How to detect hidden cameras in a room?

When you stay in a hotel room how do you know there is a Hidden Camera?

Step 1-

  • Turn off all sources of lights.
  • This includes bulbs, Tube, Lights, Decorative Lightning, and even the television and other screens.
  • Switch off these applications.
  • Make sure it's as dark as possible.
  • Pitch Black will be Ideal.

Step 2-

  • Open up your Smartphone camera and point it at suspicious areas like clocks, shelves, weirdly placed decorative items, and any other place you could think of where such cameras could be hidden.

Step 3-

  • Look for small white spots emitting from anywhere.
  • Move the camera around and be as thorough as possible.
  • Your eyes won't be able to see these spots but the smartphone camera will be able to detect them quite easily.
  • Any such spots you find could be a hidden camera.
  • Wherever you see these spots Investigate thoroughly.



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