How to get rid of Oily Skin?

Some tips to get rid of oily skin

1. Wash Your Face

  • It seems obvious, but many people with oily skin don't wash their faces daily. If your skin's oily, you should wash your face twice a day. But don't overdo it. Avoid harsh soaps or detergents. Use a gentle soap instead.

2. Honey

  • Honey is one of nature's most revered skin remedies. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic abilities. It may benefit oily and acne-prone skin.

3. Cosmetic Clay

To make a SPA-worthy french green clay mask.

  • Add filtered water or rose water to about a teaspoon of clay until it forms a pudding-like consistency.
  • Apply the clay mixture to your face and leave it on until it dries. 
  • Remove the clay with warm water and pat dry.

4. Egg Whites and Lemons

To make an egg white and lemon face mask.

  • Combine 1 egg white with  1 Teaspoon freshly-squeezed lemon juice.
  • Apply it to your face, and leave it on until the mask dries. 
  • Remove with warm water, and pat dry.

5. Almonds

Ground almonds not only work to exfoliate your skin, but they also help sop up excess oils and impurities. To use an almond face scrub:

  • Finely grind raw almonds to make 3 teaspoons.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of raw honey.
  • Apply to your face gently, in circular motions.
  • Rings with warm water, and pat dry.

6. Aloe Vera

  • Aloe vera is known for soothing burns and other skin conditions. According to the mayo clinic, there's good scientific evidence that it helps treat flaky skin caused by oily patches. Many people use Aloe Vera to treat oily skin.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain salicylic acid, A common acne home remedy. The Acids in tomatoes may help absorb excess skin oils and unclog pores. To make an exfoliating tomato mask:

  • Combine 1 Teaspoon sugar with the pulp of 1 tomato.
  • Apply to the skin in a circular motion.
  • Leave the mask on for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water, and par dry.

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